Author Archive

Paleo Diet Cake Recipes – How to Bake a Lip-Smacking Paleolithic Pecan Nut Cake

Sam Hutchinson asked: Are you looking for some delectable paleo diet cake recipes? Ah, did I hear you say “yes”? Okay cool, because I want to share with you my methods of baking a Paleolithic style pecan nut cake. It’s quite easy to do so – just follow the step-by-step instructions. I’m sure it’ll turn […]

HCG Recipes

edward asked: Have you ever wanted to have a flavorful meals to an otherwise flavorless meals that you eaten everyday. And it considering your pursuit to better weight. If yes, here’s HCG Recipes to help you. It offers a flavorful alternatives to an otherwise boring diet. It also give spice to your meals instead of […]